Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone! Yes, I’m still alive and still working diligently on my projects. I realized while editing Vhantalya that the story was only about a hundred and sixty pages, and as I want it to be a novel and not a novella or short story, I have been adding in new scenes that will set up and tie in the sequels a bit more, and expanding some scenes a bit more realistically. As well, I am delving into the characters, their histories, and their development in a far more rich way.

My plan is to still have this ready for beta readers by summer, along with Reboot. After the holidays, my writing time and ability should be taking off a bit more. I am also working on the cover art for Vhantalya so expect to see that posted up in the next day or two.

For those who follow my Facebook page, you might notice that I have posted up some Wombo art. For those unfamiliar with Wombo, it takes a set of words and paints a unique image via AI based on those keywords and different art styles. I won’t be posting the Wombo art here, but on the page I have taken certain scenes I am currently in the middle of writing and used key words from those scenes to create a ‘dream art’ of what I am working on. I have also cut and pasted the part of the scene that inspired said art. It’s kind of both a teaser and a metric of what I am working on in particular at that time.

That’s it for now! I just wanted to say Happy Holidays and a grand New Year to all!