Just a quick update

Hello everyone! Writing is ticking along steadily if not as profusely as I would like. I’m deep into editing on Vhantalya now, including some fleshing out of some scenes and characters. I am very on track to getting its editing finished and to beta readers hopefully by end of February, or end of March at the latest.

I’m also well on track to getting the first draft and edit of Reboot finished and to beta readers’ come June. I will begin my rewrite of Scarlett, and expect to begin my official search for an agent/trad publisher, at that time.

In the meantime, I have created a comprehensive project list and timeline that I will be putting up here shortly on this website. I currently have 38 solid projects in various states of completion and there are a couple beyond even that, that haven’t yet made the ‘official’ list for reasons. Obviously I cannot do one of these a year so my goal is to get at least three done per year. At a certain point, if I have not been able to secure an agent or had luck with traditional publishing, I will switch once again to a self-publishing avenue.

The main page will still only contain the three works expected to be finished in a given year, but you’ll have more of an idea of what is to come!