A Lively Order

So as I am working to finish my books and grow as a writer (a delightful labor that is never, ever done), I’m reading up on various ‘rules’ of writing. These rules, I find, seem to change and shift as to what makes ‘good writing’ from one minute to the next. Rules such as:

‘Cut out all words that end in -ly. Really, perilously, tragically, emphatically, probably, etc. Remove them all!’

‘Keep sentences short and simple! Keep words short and simple!’

‘Never use a verb other than ‘said’. Never use an adverb to modify ‘said’. ‘

And so on.

I love these rules. I also love breaking them.

Some I find extremely (look, an -ly word! Naughty me!) helpful and stick with them on a pretty consistent basis. Rules like ‘don’t repeat a key word too often’. Others, I stick with on a less consistent basis (see my -ly faux pas above). When it comes to dialogue, for example, I’m going to write how people speak, and people say ‘really’, ‘very’, an awful lot. They also tend to speak in rambling sentences with no passing concern to brevity, depending on the character.

Most times I will use the word ‘said’ as my verb, but on occasion a naughty ‘shouted’, ‘moaned’, or other ‘saidism’ will sneak its way in there. Sometimes, I’ll giggle in maniacal glee as I perform a double-should-never and have a character ‘shout happily’.

This highlights the one rule that I find has never let me down. It is one of my own realization and not stemming from the advice of others, experts or no.

When it comes to writing, as with most things, all in moderation.

Repeating words, putting in the occasional saidism, dropping an -ly word in the middle of non-dialogue like a mic that has gone red-hot – all can be quite useful tools in making an impact and controlling the way that impact hits the reader. Don’t limit your toolbox just because some ‘rule’ or other says to never do that thing. Look at what we consider great literary works, or even just popular ones, and see how often those rules become mere guidelines that didn’t make or break that work.

I mean, just take this single line from a poem by Dylan Thomas that everyone knows, whether they are a reader or not:

‘Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’

Not only did he repeat a key word too often, he did it back to back in a single sentence! Oh! The huge manatee!

A rule not only broken but shattered into a thousand pieces and sent off into the stars. And guess what? Every single one of those pieces embedded itself into someone’s mind. So much so that even if 90% of people couldn’t name the poem or the poet, that line is recognizable in an instant.

Follow the rules, but don’t be afraid to break them.

What inspired this post? Well, in my aforementioned reading I came across this line that, for me, perfectly encapsulates my mindset regarding them.

The writer must be able to feel words intimately, one at a time. He must also be able to step back, inside his head, and see the flowing sentence. But he starts with the single word. [They] report their vision in a language that reaches the rest of us. For the first quality the writer needs imagination; for the second he needs skill … Imagination without skill makes a lively chaos; skill without imagination, a deadly order.

Donald Hall

Go make a lively order.

Still here!

Been a hot minute since I was on, I know. Apologies to the couple of people that reached out about being beta readers: I had surgery on my hand last week and it halted any kind of writing for a few days.

But, it’s back in working (enough) order, and I should have responded to everyone that emailed. It looks like my beta read roster for Vhantalya is almost satisfied. If anyone else is still interested in being a beta reader for Vhantalya (or for Reboot when it’s done!) please email me at Melaradark@gmail.com. Include the name of the work you are interested in beta reading in the subject line, as well as ‘Beta Read’. Helps me keep track.

Edits on Vhantalya are continuing to go forward, a bit of a final face tuck before the runway show.

Writing on Reboot is trucking on again too. Just broke 70,000 on the first draft.

Also, I now have an account on Counter.Social! If you, too, are on that platform, feel free to friend me @Melaradark.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Final edit!

I have completed my last read-through of Vhan, and am now doing my last final quick edit before going to beta readers, putting in the corrections that I noted, and throwing in a scattering of hints and changes that will tie it together with the (now planned) prequel. I expect to be done, with luck, before the middle of May. Honestly, I don’t think it will take even that long.

Again, if you have any interest in being a beta reader for Vhantalya, please email me at Melaradark@gmail.com with the subject ‘Vhan Beta Read’. I have beta readers lined up for Scarlett but only one or two for Vhan. I would like four, if possible, so there are a couple of slots available for anyone who feels they have the time, desire, or energy to read it cover to cover and answer a few questions.

Thank you!

Damn you muse!

So here I am, innocently writing away on Reboot. I’m doing a particularly difficult scene emotionally, and my writing tends to slow into short bursts when that happens.

I’m staring at the screen, my brain deep in the story, trying to get into the heads of the characters. Who would say what? What are they feeling right now? What would their reactions be? The usual. Totally focused.

And in waltzes my muse, a rolled up manuscript in her hand (my current editorial draft of Vhantalya, of course), and whaps it across the back of my skull.


Just like that, I’m getting all sorts of ideas for a brand new book, a prequel to my Immortal Elements series. Characters, details, setting, plot; lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Ok, ok, fine. I indulge my muse, flipping over to my bible for the series and jotting down some quick notes. Maybe if I get it out of my head and stored somewhere safe, I can get back to concentrating on Reboot. If I *do* write a prequel book to an already planned ten book series, it’s going on the end of my publishing timeline. There’s no rush.

Done, back to Reboot. Get another hundred words down.

My muse, the wonderful and hateful bitch that she is, is not to be daunted. The Immortal Elements series – of which Vhantalya is the first book – is a favorite of hers. In fact, Vhantalya itself came in the same way; with that glorious, furious nymph backhanding me over the head out of nowhere.

Honestly, I think she only talks to me at all so I’ll write this series. Allowing me to do my other books is something she (barely) tolerates in exchange.

So she hits me again. ‘Oh! I could do this in the prequel, that would explain that character in the main series!’

Jot it down again, start to look back at Reboot. My muse braces herself, lifts the manuscript high…

So, now I have a headache, and about ten more ideas written down for this prequel, and not another word of Reboot written. I’m afraid to look at it now. She hits wicked hard.

Hopefully if I placate her she’ll go back to sleep for a little while and I can get back to it. For now, I need to dig up my ibuprofen and probably some neosporin for all these papercuts on my scalp. Oh, also, I’ll be adding The Ruhkend Blade up on my book timeline of works in progress.

I’m afraid she’ll bludgeon me senseless if I don’t.

I artify as well!

Hello all you crazy cats and kittens!

So I don’t only write, I do art as well. I’ve been doing digital paintings for years (as well as photography). I have been getting back into it more lately to do my book covers, and figured why not do some illustrations of my original works as well?

I have created an ArtStation account to post my works, including my book covers and some fan art, as well as these illustrations. This is a WIP, but I will be slowly adding my past art as well as the two book covers I’ve done so far (For Vhan and Scarlett). Some of it may eventually go up for sale but for now I’m going one step at a time.

If you like what you see, feel free to favorite and comment! Heck, if you hate it too…why not?

Still ticking along on Reboot, and as soon as I get the end of the first draft in sight I’ll be doing a cover for that as well and posting it up. I have to say, so far I am loving this story!

Till next time!