Look at my beautiful field!

“Ok, I’ve done six different edit read-throughs of Vhantalya, it should be good to get to beta readers now.”

**sends to beta readers**

**immediately starts to reread it again**

Look at my beautiful field of mistakes and typos! Isn’t it glorious?? Shall be a bountiful harvest!

**beats head on desk**

Vhan to Beta Readers!

Vhantalya is now officially in the hands of the beta readers! If you emailed me to be a beta reader for Vhantalya and don’t now have a copy in your inbox, please let me know.

Tomorrow, I’m going to start assembling all my notes on Scarlett and start my rewrite on that, and my work on the second draft of Reboot shall begin.

Today, I’m going to take the day off. I need a breather!

Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers out there, and most especially my own. Dad, you gave me a passion for storytelling and have always supported me in my writing and accepted me for who I am, no questions asked. I’m glad you’re my Dad, and I hope you have the best Father’s Day!

Kismet strikes again!

Hello everyone! I know I haven’t updated in a bit, I’ve been very diligently working, and now I have news!

Five years ago, on Friday June 16th, 2017 at 10:43 am, I wrote the first chapter of a story that I have since titled ‘Reboot’. Today, on Thursday, June 16th, 2022 (though sadly not at 10:43 am), I finished the first draft of that story, writing the final words.

First draft is done! Whew!

I’m going to leave it rest for a day then read through it again and prepare my notes for my second draft. There are some threads I need to tie in, a scene or two that needs changing or rearranging, some characterization to flesh out, and a whole lot of typos that need un-typo-ing.

I expect to have Reboot to beta readers by fall. If you are at all interested in beta reading for Reboot, please send me an email with ‘Reboot beta read’ as the subject line.

Beta readers for Vhantalya: I expect to have the final edits done by this weekend. Unless something goes horribly wrong, you should be getting an email with the manuscript and questionnaire by Sunday evening (Pacific standard USA time for those that aren’t locals).

Once that is sent off, I will be beginning the redraft of Scarlett. I am aiming to have that redone and possibly even to beta readers by the end of the year.

Lastly, I have finished the cover for Reboot! As I’ve mentioned before, I do all my own book covers. It has been updated to the front page, but for those who missed it there or don’t want to click *all* the way back, I have included it in this post. I will also be putting it up on my art site, http://www.Melaradark.art

I would love feedback on the cover, good or bad! Does it grab you? Would it make you want to pick up the book and check out the synopsis? Please let me know!