Now at 44!

So I really need to learn that whenever I say ‘I’ll have that updated/done in the next couple of days’ what that really means is ‘eventually’.

In my last blog post I said that I’d get my Future Projects timeline updated with my new story ideas. That was over a month ago. My slow, procrastinating self has finally gotten that done, with my official story count now at 44 WIP.

Scarlett is moving steadily (if a bit sloppily) on its first draft rewrite, standing now about 17,000 words. I’m steadily chipping away at my second draft/edit of Reboot, and apparently I have enough future work to keep me busy until rapture!

Next year should be a fun one! Two of the three works I have in progress next year are my humor/fractured fairy tale pieces that are just a hoot to write (and hopefully, to read!)

Well, back to it. Until next time!

One thought on “Now at 44!

  1. The good thing about having lots of ideas is you can pick and choose what to work on based on what you are excited about. If a certain idea is running dry you can set it aside for later and work on something that you’re more inspired by in the moment. This is not necessarily a bad problem to have. 😉


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