Short Update

I’ve rethought my book order and tweaked it a bit, shuffling a couple of things around. I am going to put in one of my new ideas next year, bumping the Line series back a little as a result.

Next year is going to be the year of humor, with So My Grandma Summoned a Demon, Ferry Tail, and As You Witch up on the docket. I have updated my page to reflect these changes.

I’m already starting to get feedback from my beta readers on Vhantalya, with some very good notes and suggestions. One more month until all feedback is due and the final draft rewrite of that will begin to move forward. After that, the agent hunt is on!

I’m very excited to see what the rest of the beta readers have to say about Vhan. Reboot is well into its second draft, and my Scarlett rewrite is now up to 22,000 words. Still on schedule for those to go to beta readers as well. As always, if you have any interest in being a beta reader for any of my stories, please, email me with the title of the story and ‘beta read’ in the subject line.

Until next time!

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