I was wrong

So a few weeks ago I was at my Dad’s house and he asked me what I found the hardest about writing. My answer to him basically amounted to ‘sexy scenes’ (I can write romance just fine, but when it comes to describing someone’s physical attractiveness or actual sex scenes I have a very difficult time. Yeah, I fade to black a lot. I could never be a romance author).

Well, I was wrong. Because as I have found out just recently, the two hardest things for me about writing are now without a doubt a) editing, and b) estimating how long it will take me to do said editing.

I did promise you all that I would have Reboot ready for beta reads by the end of September. Then, the end of October. Now, as you can clearly see just by taking a gander at the ol’ calendar, that’s gonna slip past as well. I have a very strong start on my Reboot edits and I know where I’m going and what I’m doing, but there is no way it’s going to be done before Nov. 1st. So now I’m aiming for the end of November. Sorry guys (Caro, please no stabby stab the next time I see you!) I feel it would be a disservice to send it out for beta reads when I know it’s not ready.

For Vhantalya, I have taken everything into consideration from my beta readers and am making great strides on the last round of edits. Based on feedback, I have added a new beginning scene and a new more fleshed out ending. The bulk of the grammar and general typos have been corrected. I have two more new scenes to write (should be fairly small) and a pass at a couple more things and it’ll be ready for round two of betas. This, I’ll definitely have done by the end of November.

Now, the big one; Scarlett…


I’m actually getting the writing moving now. I just broke 80,000 words (I was on 90,000 when I lost the original draft last year). It’s going more smoothly than it was in the beginning and I’m pretty confident I can make my ‘end of the year’ goal for the first draft to be done. It’s clear to me now though that I cannot write nearly as fast as I used to, and editing is *not* my forte.

Still, ever forward.

In the meantime, I’m working on increasing my reading as well (other works than just my own). I’ve had several very good book suggestions that I want to read, and I plan on sharing and reviewing them a bit here when I get them finished. I also have a Goodreads page if anyone’s interested in checking that out. When I actually get something published I’ll update to an author profile there.

Current reads: Fairy Tale, by Stephen King; Oil and Dust by Jami Fairleigh, and The Good Kings, by Kara Cooney.

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