Happy New Year!

I hope everyone who celebrates holidays in December had wonderful ones. We’re closing in fast on the New Year!

I updated my book order yet again to make sure that I am doing one book in each series with no more than a year between them. That means that I will be starting the second in the Immortal Elements series, the Tree Y’Edenel, in just a couple of days!

The first book, Vhantalya, is on track for a summer release this year, so more to come on that!

Speaking of which, I have gotten a couple of the final betas back already but still need a few more. Only a few more days, my betas! Please let me know if its going to take you a bit longer: with the holidays I know people are busy and may need some more time.

Reboot is going out in two days! If you have already signed up to be a beta you will see that in your various inboxes Friday afternoon. Please let me know if you haven’t gotten it by Saturday morning and I’ll make sure I didn’t miss someone. If you are interested in beta reading for Reboot, please email me right away from the email address you want it sent to, and I’ll add you to the list.

If you are interested in beta reading for any of the three books coming up this year; The Tree Y’Edenel; So My Grandma Summoned a Demon; and Ferry Tail, please email me with the title of the book you’re interested in and ‘beta read’ in the subject line and I’ll get you on the list. For my standing betas (you know who you are), you will get each one by default unless you tell me differently, so please let me know.

2023 is going to be an exciting year writing wise! Stay tuned!

Like a deck of cards

Hello everyone out in TV…uh, Book Land!

The home stretch is in sight! Both for the year, and for my book Reboot getting to beta readers! Nine days left until I send this bad boy out. If you haven’t already and you have any interest in beta reading for this book (or any other!) please send me an email with the subject line Reboot Beta Read to get on the list. Or if you want to beta for another book, swap the title out for whichever one you’re interested in. The more feedback the better!

As for Vhantalya, I have some exciting things brewing in that arena that you’ll hopefully see soon. Now some good news and some bad news.

The bad news: when indie publishing a series or part of a series, I have come to learn that it is best in gaining a readership if the second in the series comes out as close to the first one as possible. Since I am now taking this tack with Vhan and likely book 2 and 3 of the Immortal Elements series as well (at least), I’m having to shuffle things again. Right now, I didn’t have book 2 scheduled to write until 2024, but that isn’t going to fly if I want a relatively quick release date for that on the heels of Vhan. So, I’m sad to say (really sad, I really want to write this one!) So My Grandma Summoned a Demon is getting bumped back to mid 2023, and Ferry Tail is getting bumped back to EOY 2023. As You Witch will take The Tree Y’Edenel’s spot in 2024.

The good news: That means that my first revision draft of the Tree Y’Edenel will be starting January 1st! I am aiming for a summer release of Vhantalya, and if I can keep the same writing timeframe for Y’Edenel that means book 2 will release summer 2024. I will keep on the schedule of doing at least one of the Immortal Elements books per year at minimum going forward, so that readers will not have to wait forever for the next installment.

I’ve uh…also added a couple more books to my overall list and schedule, which I will update on the site soon. I’ll post again when that’s done.

For any Stephen King fans or fans of slow-burn fantasy, I am currently reading both Fairy Tale (the slow burn portal fantasy) and Billy Summers. I recommend both, but then I’m a sucker for King.

Till next time! And remember, get those Reboot beta read requests in if you haven’t yet!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone! We’re getting down to it, the end of the first year of my publishing journey, and what a year it’s been! Bit of a rocky start, with only two of the three books I had scheduled this year meeting their goals of getting to beta readers, but I will definitely take it.

Vhantalya is currently in the hands of the last round of beta readers and I should be getting my last wave of feedback around the end of the year. I have decided with this book that I am likely going to indie publish. While I can’t find any evidence of it online with various plagiarism checkers and what not, I’m pretty sure I posted the original first draft of Vhan in its entirety on a couple of message boards. Granted, this was years ago, but I’m pretty sure I blew right of first publication for this. I’m getting some ads together and some marketing, so you will see those updated here as soon as I have them in hand. The good news is, that I should have some ARCs of this going out sometime early next year, and the book itself up for sale no later than mid-year 2023. It will probably be sooner but I want to give myself a little more leeway in case I hit some roadblocks. More to come!

Reboot is nearly ready for its first round of beta reads. I’m finishing up my initial edits now. This will be going out by hook or by crook by EOY as well: I’m aiming for Friday the 30th. If you haven’t already and are interested in beta reading for Reboot, please make sure you email me and get on my list. As always, all beta readers will get a free copy of the book as part of their beta reading agreement.

Come EOY I will be updating this page as well, moving this years’ works to a new page and moving the next three on my list to the front page. All three next year are stand-alone novels. All dates below are tentative and subject to change because I am terrible at estimating time, especially with editing 😀

2023 will be the year of laughs! First up on the docket will be ‘So My Grandma Summoned a Demon’, an urban fantasy. First draft expected to be done by April 1st, 2023, and to beta readers by June 1st.

What do LARPing groups, squirt guns with holy water, old ladies crocheting pentagrams, and that bitch Tina in Accounting have in common? They’re all in my next book, So My Grandma Summoned A Demon! First draft starting Jan. 1st! I’m so excited to begin this story!

Second will be ‘Ferry Tail’, a story I began a while ago and am also very excited to finish! First draft expected to be done by July 1st, 2023, and to beta readers by September 1st.

Eugenia Sackhat is a witch whose dearest wish is to become truly wicked, but her heart just isn’t in it. Lysette, her orphaned hostage, is determined to help her by hook or by crook, so they can both get their ‘happily ever afters’. Eugenia has a special gift; she can fly without a broomstick. Now she has been given a mission from the United Coven of Wicked Witches- use her unique gift to rescue a princess from a tower. But princess-rescuing is what heroes do, and if she succeeds she’ll be further away from wickedness than ever before.

How can Lysette and Eugenia rescue the princess and still get everything they want? And who is the real danger: the werewolf that imprisoned her in the tower, or the very princess they are trying to save? Or is it all just one big ferry tail?

Third will be ‘As You Witch’. This one, I dreamt up one night – literally – from start to finish. First draft expected to be done by Oct 1st 2023, and to beta readers by EOY.

Arkayna Canmore is a dashing hero, a warrior, and the heir to her kingdom’s throne. She is set to marry Imogen Clarence, a beautiful, tender-hearted young woman who knows nothing of battle or adventuring. Imogen is the heir to a neighboring country, and the marriage is set to secure a treaty and merge their two lands.

Ark and Imogen are meeting for the first time on the day their engagement is announced. Everyone in the realm has been invited…except Mags, a nasty witch who lives deep in the forbidden and treacherous forests of Staiawai. In true snubbed witch tradition, Mags appears at the engagement party and kidnaps Ark. Now it’s up to Imogen to rescue her intended from the witch’s clutches before it is too late, and her betrothed is lost to her forever.

I will also be working on covers during this time and will update the website as I get those completed. 2023 will also be the year I start looking for agents and to get Reboot traditionally published, so fingers crossed on all that!

To everyone, have a very wonderful holidays and stay tuned!