Happy New Year!

I hope everyone who celebrates holidays in December had wonderful ones. We’re closing in fast on the New Year!

I updated my book order yet again to make sure that I am doing one book in each series with no more than a year between them. That means that I will be starting the second in the Immortal Elements series, the Tree Y’Edenel, in just a couple of days!

The first book, Vhantalya, is on track for a summer release this year, so more to come on that!

Speaking of which, I have gotten a couple of the final betas back already but still need a few more. Only a few more days, my betas! Please let me know if its going to take you a bit longer: with the holidays I know people are busy and may need some more time.

Reboot is going out in two days! If you have already signed up to be a beta you will see that in your various inboxes Friday afternoon. Please let me know if you haven’t gotten it by Saturday morning and I’ll make sure I didn’t miss someone. If you are interested in beta reading for Reboot, please email me right away from the email address you want it sent to, and I’ll add you to the list.

If you are interested in beta reading for any of the three books coming up this year; The Tree Y’Edenel; So My Grandma Summoned a Demon; and Ferry Tail, please email me with the title of the book you’re interested in and ‘beta read’ in the subject line and I’ll get you on the list. For my standing betas (you know who you are), you will get each one by default unless you tell me differently, so please let me know.

2023 is going to be an exciting year writing wise! Stay tuned!

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