Welcome to 2023!

As you may or may not have noticed, the site has gone through a slight revamp. I’ve moved the books for last year onto a new page, Coming Soon!, and updated the front page with the three books on schedule for this year.

Covers will be updated as soon as I get them done!

I’ve also updated the Future Projects page.

Current, tentative timeline for this year is as follows:

The Tree Y’Edenel starts today with plans to go to betas on May 1st.

May 1st I start So My Grandma Summoned a Demon, which should be ready for betas on September 1st.

Which is the day I start Ferry Tail, with plans for betas by EOY.

Meanwhile, I am still intent on Vhantalya debuting this Summer! As soon as I have her last edits back from betas I’ll get those done, then she goes to an actual copy editor. I’ll have an official debut date out when I have that feedback in hand and know what I’m working with final edit-wise. I’ll keep you posted!

Special thanks to all my betas and everyone who took the time to help me reach my goal last year. I’m looking forward to this one being even better!

If you want to beta any of my three books this year, please email me with the title of the book you want to read and ‘beta read’ in the subject line and I’ll get you on my list.

In the meantime, Reboot went out to betas on the 30th! If you wanted to beta for Reboot and didn’t get a chance to raise your hand, or if I missed you somehow, please let me know ASAP and I’ll get it to you.

For those beta reading Vhantalya’s final round I’m hoping to hear from you very soon! Let me know if you need more time, I’ve already talked to one or two who will and gotten feedback on a couple more already.

Thank you, and may everyone have a wonderful, unforgettable (in a good way) 2023!