Reboot is live!

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!

I didn’t post this yesterday because we were out at my Dad’s house all day, but Reboot successfully went live yesterday, and is now available for purchase!

Until September 15th, the ebook is exclusive through Amazon KS/KU. After the 15th the ebook will be launching on pretty much every platform ebooks can be purchased (Kobo+, Apple, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, etc).

Paperback and hardcovers are also on sale through Amazon. Check out the new ‘Available Now’ page for a free preview, share, and purchase link.

Next Saturday is the launch party!

In the mean time I’m still hard at work on several new books and *fingers crossed* hope to have at least one published in 2025, fingers crossed for more! Most likely Vhantalya will be going out in 2025, but not sure yet which of the others is going to make the cut to join her out in the wild. We’ll have to see!

I did learn a lot from this process and hopefully the next launch will be far smoother. Until then, stay wonderful everyone!

It’s the final countdown….

One thing I don’t think people tell you about when it comes to publishing a book is that there are a trillion and one little details that need seeing to. Not the least of which is updating your blog to keep people appraised of your mad spins as you chase your own tail!

My website is going to be going through some small growing pains in the next week or two to prepare for launch.

So, amazing news first! Reboot has been doing fantastic in ARCs, with an overall rating (out of 11 so far) of 4.25 stars! I still can’t believe it!

Reboot is officially up on Goodreads (with some reviews already there), and I’m working on Storygraph. It’s is up for ebook preorder through Amazon KU/Select here:

It will be up exclusively on Amazon through KU/Select until September 15th, when the ebook version will no longer be exclusive through Amazon (though still there through KDP) but available pretty much everywhere you can get an ebook: Kobo+, Smashwords, Apple, etc. I will have direct links where you can purchase up on this site by launch.

It will also be available in paperback and hardcover June 16th! I’m debating whether I’m going to leave the physical copies exclusively on Amazon or if I’m going to also have them available through Ingram Spark. More to come on that!

So little to do and so much time!

Wait…strike that. Reverse it.

You may have also noticed that my ‘works in progress’ page has disappeared. That’s because I’ve been shuffling things around so much its getting to the point I almost need to update it once a week. So its been scrapped. Right now, I’m working very hard on getting Vhantalya publish ready, and finishing up my first drafts of Ink in a Black Sea, So My Grandma Summoned a Demon, the new Tree Y’Edenel duology, and The Human Heart.

I also seem to be over the frustration and heartbreak of losing my entire manuscript of Scarlett and having to start over from scratch, and I may just pull that back out to finish earlier than I expected.

More, as always, to come! Thank you to everyone, and Happy Pride!