
I saw something recently that made me think. It was a post someone shared that said that ‘art is how we decorate spaces. Music is how we decorate time’.

How true is that! Then I realized, art is more than about decorating spaces. The Arts are how we humans decorate life.

Paintings are how we decorate spaces.

Music is how we decorate time.

Dance is how we decorate motion.

Theatre is how we decorate stories.

Poetry is how we decorate emotions.

Books are how we decorate the mind.

A story isn’t complete until the reader reads it. Here you will find the decorations of my mind. They may be a bit dark, a bit loud, a bit eclectic. If the decorations of Stephen King are the literary equivalent of a beautiful and stately gothic manor, designed in somber dark wood and hidden passageways, I may be no more than that weird lady down the street who has cats of every color, a thousand pictures on the walls, in a house that used to be one thing and is now entirely another. Oh, and there’s a rainbow flag out the front.

This is what I got. My decor may not be your cup of tea but if it is, I have a lot of it. Come in and join me for a cup. I’ll show you around if you want.

About My Writing

I have been writing stories ever since I realized I could put words together in a string and somehow make what was in my head happen in the heads of others. I learned to read early and had a voracious appetite when it came to books.

I don’t really like to pigeonhole my writing into a particular genre. In fact, I didn’t even realize there was a genre for some of what I write until just recently when I learned of the term ‘magical realism’. However, it becomes difficult to describe to others just what your books are about without mentioning genre.

If we’re going on that route, I write fantasy, sci-fi, and horror with sneaky splashes of magical realism that like to creep in. But if we’re really going to get down to the nitty gritty, what I write are dreams.

Yup. I said it.

Do you like dreams? Daydreams, pleasant dreams, even (secretly) the occasional nightmare? I may just have you covered.

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